In filling out this sign up form, you begin the process of joining a Serve Team. Once your form is received our serve team committee will review your answers and follow-up with you.
By wanting to join a Serve Team you are committing to:
1) Serving on a serve team at least once a month.
2) Giving financially to the mission here at least once a month in a trackable method(digitally or using a giving envelope with your name on it).
3) Growing by attending services(in person or online) and by growing in relationships on a serve team.
To be on a serve team, you must know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord & Savior.
Our Vision is to provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere where outsiders will get a sense of belonging through hospitality, contemporary worship, & relevant messages. We want to introduce the Vibrant Love of Jesus to our community in a practical way and simply nurture others to be faithful followers of Christ.
We Reach- We are intentional about reaching those outside the church walls.
We Embrace- We are a community of diverse people who value and embrace each other.
We Support- We focus on providing a biblical foundation of support for our community.
We Train- We are passionate about training others to be faithful followers of Christ.
We Magnify- We strive to create a Vibrant environment where we can Magnify Jesus together.
Moving Beyond The Walls Of Tradition To Reach Others With The Vibrant Love Of Christ
4 Roles of a Serve Team
1. Attend and Participate in weekly Services
2. Build Life-giving Friendships through Small Groups and Teams
3. Give Financially to the Mission of the church
4. Serve people through being on a team